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 Welocme to the Images and Archives collections



As a nation of Spiritual Warriors it is evident that history always has and will repeat itself.

To destroy a nation dilute its culture & language It's the culture and language that unites a nation
Our Language, Treasures, Manuscripts, Historical artefacts, Documentations and Findings have always been the focus of DESTRUCTION, DISTORTION & DISARRAY


In deed this is a very broad strategy. Within it, the Images and Archives program must have specific collecting focuses which will allow not just present day practitioners, instructors, members, researchers and historians an insight to this majestic fighting system, culture and religion but a window to the past for generations of the future.


                                                               How can you help ?


Manuscripts—for example, correspondence, speeches and lectures, diaries, Research materials, and similar materials
Oral histories

Sound materials— tapes and recordings and similar materials
Still images—for example, photographs, engravings, posters, postcards, and similar materials

Moving image materials—for example, film, videos, DVDs, and similar materials in the area of :
Basic, Intermediate and Advanced fightings 
stratiges of Gatka

The Khalsa and its Martial Traditions
The Alkali Nihangs  there languag and war crys
Gatka Instructors of the past and present

Horse riding
Unarmed fighting and strategies
And related fields that will serve the research community of the present and future.

In the interest of promoting the greatest use of the materials, IGO suggests that you do not restrict access to the materials that you donate.
Thank you for considering a donation to the Images and Archives Collections of the IGO - Your site - Your future

We are always open to hear your views and suggestions to help develop this site. Please conatct us  



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