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Buddhism v/s Jainism
Buddhism and Jainism are similar in many terms,both originated in the same geographic region of India.
Both oppose caste system and animal scarifies.
The main similarity between them is that they both reject the existence of god.
They both focus on ‘karma’ and its effect. Still, there are numerous differences that exist between them. Jainism remained near its origin whereas Buddhism was extended to countries like Nepal and China.
Buddhism - centered upon the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha,
Jainismis - centered on the life and teachings of Mahavira.
Buddhism - main goal is to gain enlightenment.
Jainism -main goals are based on non-violence and liberation the soul.
Jainism Buddhism
Founder Vardhamana Gautama Buddha
Based On The teachings of thirthankaras like The teachings of Gautama Buddha
The soul Exist in scientfically living entities Exists in both anime & inanimate objects
Karma A real substance attached with each Is a process that determines the future,
body. Not effected from the persons It is based on the direct effect of one's own actions
Vows 5 vows or precepts in Jainism 5 vows or precepts in Buddhism.
1st Vow Ahimsa (non-violence), Not kill, which extends to all living beings.
which extends to all living beings.
2nd Vow Satya (Truthfulness) Truthfulness
3rd Vow Asteya (not stealing) Not stealing
4rt Vow Brahmacharya To refrain from sexual misconduct
(celibacy for monks & nuns (celibacy for monks and nuns)
no sexual misconduct for lay people)
5th Vow Aparigraha non-materialism, Refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs which lead to carelessness.
non-attachment to material things
Knowledge Jina ( Spiritual Victor) Buddha ( Awakened One)