International Gatka Organisation
Sikh Martial Arts
A military dicipline for all mankind
Khalsa Akaal Puraak ki fauj, Pargatiou Khalsa Parmata ki Maouj
Heroes Get Remembered, Legends Never Die
Tribute to Ustad Baba Gian Singh Nihang Sotantar resident of Malahvie Bunga Amritar, He used to teach the fighting system of shasterdhari Gatka vidyia at Burj Akali Phula Singh every week. It was an uncommon occasion to see and witness shastardhari Khalsa of great skill and techniques. But Gian Singh possessed thisShastar Vidya Naama Publication – Renowned throughout the Panth, in the art of Shaster Khala ( Vidya) – Gatka Pantera agility, nimbleness, quickness, activeness ਫੁਰਤੀ
1924 - 6th Feb 1980
Tribute to Jathedar Master Mohan Singh - by Pirthi Raj Paul Bedhi
Jathedar Mohan Singh was born in 1924; he was the eldest son of Sant Pirthipal Singh (Patiala Wala). When Mohan Singh was between the age of 9 and 12 he left home and joined the Nihang Sings, It was in the Nihang Dahl’s that Mohan Singh met Baba Gian Singh (Chief Gatka Ustad for every Nihang Dhal) and he learnt Gatka from him. Until death both masters had a very close friendship. After training with Baba Gian Singh for about 5 years nonstop Mohan Singh came into contact with another great Gatka master Baba Chatter Singh, Mohan Singh learnt Gatka from him and then further enhanced his training by learning Gatka from Baba Mohinder Singh Nanakana Sahib wala.
Tribute to Ustad Bhai Didar Singh Nihang Budha Dal