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 The Principle Stages Of Gatka |Akhara Etiquette
















It is at this preparatory stage that a student is allowed and able to  develop and progress with his training which will take him through a journey, integrating a spectrum of  weapons of both close and long range, including weapons of the air and weapons of deceit.

A journey from the primary weapons of Shastar Vidia to the most intricate bladed weapons at a latter advanced stage.


Stage 1 : The Physical and Spiritual duty - The Ardas

Accepting war against evil with in your heart to fight for righteousness in the name of religion, faith, duty and  belief. :


Stage 2 : Shastar Namaskar - The Pantra

The body moves like an eye, all elements united :


Stage 3 : The Observation 

Movements for the Instructor, student and fighter are vital in all scenarios 


Stage 4 : The Primary Weapon - Fari Soti

One technique can be expanded in a countless number: Parry, counterattack and defeat




Desi DNA - BBC TV coverage 2007


A quick glimpse in the trainning of students by
Baba Fateh Singh gatka Akhara UK.



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